Pre-Renovation Renovations

One year ago we moved into our new home and we are still as happy with it as on or first night.
But as with all places, there are always a few things that aren’t quite right or could be better. In our case it is the configuration of kitchen, laundry and bathroom.
And so we hired an architect to come up with some ideas on how to change it and help us through the process of DA approvals, Construction Certificates and so on.

Blue-eyed and overly optimistic (very unlike us) we thought we might be able to start construction by Christmas. But after our last meeting with the architect we had to revise that to 12-18 months minimum in the future.

In the mean time we did a few DIY renovations without spending too much money and fixing up a few things here and there. The few things eventually turned into a long list of items which we are now slowly working our way through.

We started with the bathroom which then allowed us to do the entrance/laundry. At the same time we tackled the refurbishment of the fireplace in the dining room and the balcony.

Incidentally the bathroom was also what led us to win the Ikea gift card. It was the purchase of the wash-stand and basin that unwittingly entered us into the draw.

The architect provided us with a few 3d renderings and while they looked good, we didn’t feel they were what we wanted. Since we didn’t have the time to find out what we wanted we put the renovation on hold for now.

We’ll add a few pictures from the small DIY improvements in the next months.

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