Well done Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority?

I previously only knew the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority for cheaply selling off access to your harbour as well as a little bit of corruption.

But when we went to the GP this morning and left our bikes outside for about 20 minutes, we found two of these beautifully prepared notes attached to our bicycles:


I thought the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority were axed but they still seem to be going strong!

For the record, our bicycles were not obstacles to anything. We attached them to each other on opposite sides of a lamp post without touching the lamp post. The bikes and lamp post were not even remotely obstructing anyone’s path.

One thought on “Well done Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority?

  1. The note said:

    Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority Regulation 2011 Part 4 section 24
    Removal of obstructions from public areas Clauses 1-4 prohibits the parking of
    bicycles in other than authorised areas. These are located at Argyle St near
    Lowenbrau, Globe St West, First Fleet Park near Museum of Contemporary Art
    and Alfred St, Circular Quay. Continued inappropriate parking may lead to this
    bicycle being impounded.

    And the text of the regulation is:

    24 Removal of obstructions from public areas
    (1) The Authority, or a ranger or police officer, may order the removal of
    anything which obstructs or encroaches on a public area.
    (2) The order may be given to either or both of the following:
    (a) the person who caused the obstruction or encroachment,
    (b) a person using the thing causing the obstruction or encroachment.

    I agree that bicycles that obstruct other people should be removed, but in this situation someone was just trying to be funny.

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