Authentication to Galleries

This is just a quick update about a recent change about the access to our galleries.

Several of our family and friends kept forgetting the very simple user/password combination. So instead we are trialling authentication through external providers (Google GMail, Facebook).

The way it works:

  1. You access a gallery.
  2. We ask you to authenticate and you choose Google or Facebook.
  3. We ask them to authenticate you and to ask you to show us your e-mail address as a prove of identity.
  4. You allow the access and authenticate and Google / Facebook will redirect you with a token that we can use once to ask for your e-mail.
  5. We check your e-mail against a list of e-mails known to us.
  6. You get access.

For those that don’t have or don’t want to use either Google Gmail or Facebook, you can use a One-Time-Password link that is being mailed to you.

In all these cases your e-mail address has to be known to us.

To make this feel safer we added an SSL certificate.

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