Data Deletion Instructions

We do not persist personal data.
We use Facebook and Google authentication as external OAuth authentication providers (SSO, single sign on).
Neither the email addresses nor any other information provided by the OAuth authentication provider is stored.
When OAuth is used, the email passed to as part of the authentication process is hashed using sha256 and that hash is compared against a persisted list of known hashes.

As part of normal web server processes access logs are being stored, accesslog do not contain the email address nor the hash. Logs are purged manually every 6 to 12 months.

You can remove your MnM website auth app settings using the oauth providers settings.
For example to remove website Facebook authentication permissions:

  • Go to Your Facebook Account’s Setting & Privacy
  • Click ” Setting “
  • Select ”Apps and Websites”
  • Select
  • Click the ”Remove” button