WA 2012

We were very busy at work and the apartment has been renovated and improved since last December (still lots to do). So it was high time for a holiday and we have been looking forward to this one for quite some time. At first we planned to do a Perth to Darwin trip but could only take three weeks off and even these three weeks were not easy to get approved. So instead we said we do only a smaller junk this time and drove from Perth up to Port Hedland, which is 600km south of Broome and then along the coast back to Perth. The timing was based around the Ningaloo Reef Whaleshark season and Easter. The highlights were the Karijini National Park, the Millstream Chichester National Park, Cape Range National Park (Exmouth) , Francois Peron National Park and lots of other stuff (Coral Bay, Kalbarri NP, Pinnacles, beaches, lookouts).

The trip started in Sydney from where we drove over the weekend to Adelaide, left he car at the airport, went back to Sydney to work for 3 days and then flew back to Adelaide where we continued per train to Perth to start the actual trip.

The full travel log will probably be up soon.

The old image gallery versions (works in IE and all other browsers):

Sydney to Exmouth

Exmouth to Perth

The new version works under Firefox and Chrome and includes an overview map and picture maps and some additional info. Picture load times are quite slow on this server, so patience is necessary for waiting for images to load. Also there are quite a large number of images in each of the galleries. A better breakdown is coming soon.

Sydney to Exmouth

Exmouth to Perth

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