OpenSuSE 12.1 Beta 1

Upgraded OpenSuSE 12.1 RC1 to what I believe is 12.1 Beta 1 via yast2 online_update .

There were 1600 or so packages waiting to be updated. It seems that after a thousand, Yast2 shut down, but was able to continue afterwards (ie everything was downloaded, but about 600 still had to be installed). The second batch included the kernel update from 3.0.something to 3.1.0-rc7-3 and the rest of the KDE 4.6 to KDE 4.7 update.

Somethings were or are broken and so I had to:

Change one of my mandatory MDs to mount via UUID because it used to be md3 but now is md127, to be able to boot.

(reinstall the Nvdia driver, nouveau did not work in the 30 minutes that I was willing to play with it, then it took me another 30 minutes to keep nouveau from being loaded in the first place)

Postgres did not start:

Oct  9 09:13:57 meserv postgres: 2011-10-09 09:13:57 EST   FATAL:  could not create shared memory segment: Invalid argument
Oct  9 09:13:57 meserv postgres: 2011-10-09 09:13:57 EST   DETAIL:  Failed system call was shmget(key=5995001, size=37978112, 03600).
Oct  9 09:13:57 meserv postgres: 2011-10-09 09:13:57 EST   HINT:  This error usually means that PostgreSQL's request for a shared memory segment exceeded your kernel's 
SHMMAX parameter.  You can either reduce the request size or reconfigure the kernel with larger SHMMAX.  To reduce the request size (currently 37978112 bytes), reduce PostgreSQL's 
shared_buffers parameter (currently 4096) and/or its max_connections parameter (currently 104).
Oct  9 09:13:57 meserv postgres: [1-4] #011If the request size is already small, it's possible that it is less than your kernel's SHMMIN parameter, in which case raising the 
request size or reconfiguring SHMMIN is called for.

The funny thing was that I first tried decreasing the default shared_buffers size of 32MB to 30MB in postgresql.conf, but that resulted in the message:

DETAIL:  Failed system call was shmget(key=5995001, size=35807232, 03600).
Oct  9 09:47:53 meserv postgres[:  2011-10-09 09:47:53 EST   HINT:  This error usually means that PostgreSQL's request for a shared memory segment exceeded your kernel's SHMMAX parameter.  You can either reduce the request size or reconfigure the kernel with larger SHMMAX.  To reduce the request size (currently 35807232 bytes), reduce PostgreSQL's shared_buffers parameter (currently 3840) and/or its max_connections parameter (currently 104).

So I reduced it to 20MB for now. Also, the message states 104 max_connections but that is set to 100 (I think by default as well) So somehow the values get messed up somewhere (e.g. 32MB is not 37978112 and 30 is not 35807232) , but I guess it could be that the 32MB are added to some base value …

“NFS” was not working from clients

Thought it was my fault, because I was changing “PAM” settings and thought I might have messed up the “LDAP” authentication, but it seems that it has something to do with the firewall on the server. I tried turning it off, but it did not let itself showdown vial command-line rcSuSEfirewall2 or Yast. Anyway, things worked again after I turned of the firewall and stopped working when I turned the firewall back on. So now I have “MOUNTD_PORT” set to “12345” in / etc / sysconfig / nfs and I opened the ports in 111, 991, 2049 and 12345 in the firewall. Not sure why this is not necessary, but I assume it is about the order of the boot sequence and possibly this already was changed by me before (I kept the start up from running parallel tasks)

log settings

I have a few log settings which I adapted for rsyslog after updating to 12.1 “RC1” They stopped working after updating to 12.1 B1 and now “named” is spamming my syslog again. I temporarily added $IncludeConfig / etc / rsyslog.d / *.conf to / etc / rsyslog.early.conf (used to be only in / etc / rsyslog.conf) until I check why rsyslog is not being started

Apache web server

rcapache2 (or / etc /init.d / apache2 start) does not start (no log no nothing) just sits there for a minute or more, found some indicators but not solution, decided to start via apache2ctl start instead, for now

bash -vx / etc / init.d / apache2 start ends with: + + exec /bin/systemctl start apache2.service Job failed. See system logs and “systemctl status” for details.

kmail2 (kde4.7) no more mails, no migration, many errors:

I downgraded kmail to 4.4 (with whatever dependencies Yast wanted me to downgrade and deinstalled kaddressbook because it had a conflict and we don’t use it. But since we want to use NX, I thought I go for a quick solution which was downgrading, which worked without a hitch, which impressed me.

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