Guerrilla Woodworks

  • We want to have some kind of shelves in the car and we want to be able to sleep in the car
  • We wanted to build this kind of wooden tray ourselves
  • We live in a unit that is managed by a strata that is very strict on weekend renovations and use of the garage
  • We don’t want to take a day off just to be able to cut some wood
  • We don’t want to ruin other people’s weekends by being noisy
  • We don’t know anyone living in some remote area with a shed used for woodwork

The solution: Guerrilla Woodworks

woodwork map

It started on Saturday in our garage where we had do cut a long piece of 70×35×3000 to fit into the car.

It continued when we bought some plywood from Mr Ply&Wood and had the panels cut by the shop. Since this took some time, we decided to prepare some cardboard stencils and cut a couple of pieces off the 70×35 on the parking lot of the shop. We then bought some timber from Bunnings, which we had to cut on the parking lot there to be able to fit it into the car.

(In between we spent money on ARB accessories.)

On the next day we wanted to do some more wood-cutting using our circular saw. And since showers were forecast, we wondered if we could do that under Anzac bridge. This seemed to be a good spot because the bridge is wide and below is a former industrial area far from residential areas. We checked it out and found a reasonable spot that was on public property near one of the bridge’s massive pillars. We rented a generator from Kennards and went back under the bridge and got everything out of the car and started measuring and cutting. About two hours later a guy drove up and asked us what we are doing. And we explained that we cannot do the cutting at home or in the garage and he said we still have to leave. He said he owns the buildings near by and that the RTA saw us on their cameras and that they called him to check, if some of his workers are there. (We apologised that he had to drive there to check up on us.)

So we packed up and went back home to get some food and decided to try our luck near La Perouse where we found a reasonable spot in the open at the pistol shooting range car park. We were able to get everything out of the car and cut a couple of pieces until it started raining again and we had to pack up once more.

Since we just passed it on the way home, we tried the Eastgardens shopping mall parking lot where we went to a far corner on the covered ground floor of the nearly empty site and – except for a friendly security guy who checked some door nearby – were undisturbed until we went home at abut 20:20 after another 2h of cutting and drilling.

The next day we went to back to buy screws at Bunnings and found a near-by empty park that had a couple of covered spots that we used for the rest of our cutting and drilling.

Afterwards we returned the generator and went home to carry the finished products into our apartment to put some varnish on them.

After painting two thirds of our boards we had to seal off 80% of our apartment and had to evacuate ourselves to the furthest room because of the terrible smell of the oil based paint. The apartment is now again usable, but Markus will start painting the remaining 20% of the boards soon.

One thought on “Guerrilla Woodworks

  1. i was half expecting

    *We want to get naked and have some hot sex in the car but no want to cut wood ..or is that a code word for the dirty stuff?


    ps. this Kommentierien stuff will get you guys kicked out of the country stop the .at hosting and get .au kainburglars

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