Surviving our first auction

After the shock of being kicked out of our rented apartment we decided to finally make the leap and buy our own place.

Well, deciding to do so and actually doing it are two totally different things. Starting with the tedious task of picking properties from the internet and going to inspections Saturday after precious Saturday, finally having found one or two that are promising, the next steps aren’t any less tedious.
Especially, if the properties of interest are not sold via private treaty but via auction, a rather too common practice in Australia. It means spending hours and hundreds of dollars on solicitor consultations, strata reports and getting a loan approval.
Only to end up not getting the property.
Because someone else is willing to pay 567k on a small 60 sqm lower basement apartment that is worth not more than 420k.
To be honest, we weren’t that keen on it any more anyway. So the disappointment is not too big. We just both wish it would be over soon.

So now we are switching to plan b which will decide this week, if we are going to be the proud owners of a 70sqm 2 bedroom 2 carspace apartment in Potts Point.

One thought on “Surviving our first auction

  1. Well, I would almost say the auction (Onslow Ave) was plan B!
    And plan B (Victora St) was actually plan A.
    And Bourke St was kind of plan C.1.
    And Victoria St on the other side of William could have been Plan C.2.

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