I am sitting in front of my PC which is the warmest place in the apartment. I am wearing two layers of T-shirts, a vest and a thick sweater. This morning it had 18°C in the warmest room (the server is making a bit of a difference) and 17°C in the rest of the apartment.
Last weekend we moved the heaters into the shed, a move that we now regret. Well no, the thing that I regret the most at the moment is not living in Vienna. IIt had 28.6°C in Vienna according to http://www.orf.at/091007-43412/index.html which is about 16°C above the average.
Heute hats in Wien 2°C. Und Gschneit hats auch in der Früh. Also Schluss mit Sommer hier. Wenigstens geht unsere Heizung seit gestern.